Vivli is launching the Vivli AMR Surveillance Open Data Re-use Challenge, funded by Wellcome, on 19th April 2023. The data challenge aims to stimulate and support the innovative re-use of surveillance data available in the AMR Register.
This Challenge provides an opportunity for multidisciplinary teams to win prizes by using high-quality industry AMR surveillance data to answer pressing research questions. The data will be shared through the AMR Register.
A series of prizes can be won by research teams from any discipline who find new insights in the data and contributes to the fight against antimicrobial resistance.
What prizes can be won?
There are five monetary awards:
• Grand Prize Award – $20,000
• 4 awards – $10,000 (each) in the categories of Innovation and Impact
Winning teams will additionally be provided with funding towards expenses for ECCMID 2024 if an abstract is accepted.
Sign up to the data challenge Slack Channel to be notified when the challenge is open and to keep updated about the latest information and details about this data challenge.
What’s involved?
On April 19, 2023, teams will be invited to register and submit a short summary of the research they intend to undertake with the data (and Expression of Interest or EOI). The EOIs will be reviewed and teams will be given access to the data for a 30-day window, during which solutions must be submitted.
These submissions will be reviewed by a panel of judges and finalists selected. Finalists will have the opportunity to pitch their idea to a panel of judges via Zoom and the prize winners will be chosen.
Winners will be invited to submit a project abstract to ECCMID 2024.