Vivli is pleased to announce that following on from the Wellcome Trust-Open Data Institute (ODI) AMR pilot, Wellcome has awarded a contract to Vivli which aims to improve the access and research use of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance data.
The Wellcome-ODI pilot project focused on gathering and openly publishing data on industry-sponsored human antimicrobial surveillance programs. Vivli will develop a plan to foster increased research using the surveillance data in collaboration with a Steering Committee of industry data contributors. The Steering Committee, as well as a Scientific Advisory Board, will help steward the project forward.
“Our hope is that the research project will further advance understanding in the medical community, global organizations such as the United Nations and the World Health Organisation, and wider society,” said Rebecca LI, Vivli Executive Director and lead for the project. “We would like to thank the Open Data Institute and all companies and stakeholders who took part in this initiative.”
Insight Enterprises, Vivli’s long-time partner, will undertake the technical development of the platform linked to this grant.